The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer 医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。
These largely agreed-upon facts in the medical community have not stopped several companies from trying to turn a profit in the hangover treatment industry. 上述事实在医学界里得到普遍认同,但依然没能阻止几家公司试图靠治疗宿醉来赚钱。
On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted& suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying. 在另一个层面上,很多医疗界的人承认,关于医生帮助下的自杀的讨论部分是因为病人的绝望情绪,对他们来说,现代医学已经延长了死亡的身体痛苦。
The condition first came to the attention of the medical community when a Swiss woman tried to cross the border into the United States, which requires non-citizens to be fingerprinted upon entry. 这一情况第一次引起医学界的重视是一位瑞士的女士试图入境美国的时候。入境是需要采集非本国公民的指纹的。
There is consensus in the medical community about the need for reform to improve the affordability and accessibility of quality care. 医学界虽然普遍认为,需要通过改革来使更多的人负担得起高质量的医疗保健。
One of the most important groups of people-the medical community already has reaped significant benefits from the technology and is translating the same towards the betterment of public life. 最重要的一组人群&医学界已经从该技术中获得巨大的益处,并将之转变为对公众生活的改善。
So, one thing I would like the medical community, and the legal community, and even the college community, to see if they can understand, that indeed, romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth. 因此,我希望医学界、法学界和高教界都关注到上述这一点:爱情确实是世界上最让人成瘾的东西。
It was an easy sell, particularly with the government, the medical community, the news media and cancer survivors praising the virtue of early cancer detection. 而患者也很乐于接受,尤其是因为政府、医疗界、新闻媒体和癌症生还者都称赞,及早发现癌症有好处。
White hopes to make the medical community aware of the problem, and trusts it will motivate them to doing something about it. White希望医疗机构意识到问题的严重性,并相信这本书会促使他们采取相关措施。
But he said he is open to other options, and he pledged to work with the medical community. 但他也表示愿意考虑其他方案,并保证与医学界合作。
Netsu, who has defied an obstetrician association and has helped other couples have children through surrogate mothers, urged the medical community and the government to review their policies. Netsu医生曾违抗产科协会帮助数对夫妇通过代孕母亲获得孩子,他呼吁政府和医学团体重新考虑代孕的相关政策。
Prosecutors argue life sentences would promote respect for the law within the medical community. 检察官认为终身监禁将会促进医学界对法律的尊重。
As for the SARS virus, the medical community has traced its source to people's slaughter of wild civet cats to eat. 至于非典的病毒,医学界追溯其源头,乃来自屠宰啖食野生动物果子狸。
He will continuously update the national and international medical community on the trial's progress and will prepare the results for submission to the FDA. 他将在试验的进程中不断的向全国及世界的医学公众进行数据更新并及时向FDA反馈试验结果。
And he said the medical community needs to at least consider whether the name of the condition, which raises the specter of cancer, may need to be changed. 而且他还说医学委员会需要考虑一下是否能更改疾病名,名称是引起癌症恐怖的根源,有可能改换新的名称。
Preparedness not only defends the population against biological attacks but puts the medical community in a better position to react to natural outbreaks, such as HIV and West Nile virus. 未雨绸缪不但能够防范生化攻击,保护美国民众生命安全,同时在面对自然爆发的传染病时(如爱滋病毒和西尼罗病毒的蔓延)医疗界也将更有能力适当处理。
In the latter case, this research can help the medical community develop therapy that improves patients'quality of speech. 在后一情况下,本研究可以帮助医疗机构改善病人治疗疗效。
Washington& Thirty years after clinical identification of the first case of HIV/ AIDS, the international medical community is ready to push for a cure for the disease. 从华盛顿报道,艾滋病毒/艾滋病首例临床鉴定30年之后,国际医学界正准备努力找出治愈该疾病的方法。
MRI has caused a stir in the medical community. 核磁共振造影术在医界引起一阵骚动。
For a long time, the medical community thought that lack of sleep had few long-term health effects, other than making you more prone to mistakes or accidents. 有很长一段时间,医学界都曾认为,缺乏睡眠除了使人更容易犯错或容易造成意外事故外,它对人体的长远健康并无太大影响。
Well, I think it's great that the medical community is finally trying to help sick hamsters. 好,我想真是太棒了,医疗组织终于打算帮助那些生病的老鼠了。
Some in the medical community disagree and say its benefits are not proven, and that gold may even be an allergen to people with sensitive skins. 医学界有人则对此持有异议,说这些疗效未经证实,黄金泥甚至会对过敏性肌肤产生负作用。
After decades of practice and improvement, the therapy has completely reached maturity and been widely applied in clinic cases by European Medical Community. 经过几十年的不断完善,此疗法已在技术上完全成熟,并被众多的欧洲医生广泛应用于临床。
But even though EMS was practically screaming to be discovered, it still took the medical community more than four years& and it was almost missed. 尽管嗜酸细胞增多性肌痛综合症的发现令人毛骨悚然,但这也足足让医疗机构花了四年多的时间,而且差点就被遗漏掉了。
The medical community was interested because it offered a chance, potentially, to intervene and prolong life. 医学界对此很有兴趣,因为研究人员可能有机会干涉并延长人的生命。
Viewpoints on the Cultivation of Community Pharmacists Talents in Vocational Colleges Based on the Analyses of the Needs from Medical Community I had TB and spent several months in a sanatorium in the mountains. 对接社区医疗药师岗位培养高职药学社区药师我患了肺结核,在一个山区疗养院里住了几个月。
International Circulation: How do you think the medical community in China should go about implementing the prevention strategy you are talking about? 国际循环:在您看来,中国的医学界应该如何实施您刚才谈到的预防策略?
In1969, a hard-hitting expose would shake the medical community out of its complacency. 1969年,一个突如其来的打击令医学界震惊。
This chapter reflects on the study on tort legislation of China and points out that the economic analysis of medical tort is helpful to bridge the gulf between law science community and medical community. 在这一章中,首先对我国现有的侵权立法和研究进行了反思,指明对医疗侵权进行经济分析有助于弥合法学界、医学界的分歧,具有理论和实践意义。